
A grasshopper-like insect had landed on my hand. I looked at the bug’s tiny eyes, irises the circumference of a pin. I turned the bug towards me and the eyes looked forward at me, both cross-eyed and fierce. I turned the bug some more and the irises, they moved in response. They moved the other way so that the irises were still pointed at my face, my eyes. The bug was looking at my face or eyes and it occured to me that my eyes, being only a little larger than the bug, could be seen by the bug as two seperate entities that were seperate from my body; they were bugs themselves to the bug.

Another bug that later settled on my hand, it also gazed upon my eyes. The bug was most unusual. It had a sort of unicorn spike or horn upon its head and it had a flat face with the facial features of a flat-faced dog. The bug hoisted itself up to release a spike beneath its frame and I felt its point on my skin, which caused me to sweep the bug off my arm.

The bug had understood nothing I told myself as I walked toward my VW, drove off.
At home I watered the tomato plants, slept. I then awoke, slept again. Someone in the meanwhile had slipped into my house, stole about and when I awoke again, still dark, the man’s face was right above mine. The man had suspended himself from the ceiling somehow and was hanging at the same angle as my own, except that he was facing downward, I was facing up.

He said nothing nor did he appear at all anxious or suprised at my sudden awakening from the crazy nightmare. Because of the moonlight and the large uncurtained windows of my room I was able to make out the color of his clear blue eyes and the smoothness of his long hair which hung from head that almost touched my own.

The man opened his mouth to reveal a long, purple, and thin tongue, which he rolled out like a frog’s to lick at my forehead. The man licked it slowly as if trying to savor the taste of my sweat while inside I made preparations for my lifetimes’s most hysterical scream, but just as I opened my mouth to unload it he zipped back the long wet thing into his mouth.


Now read this


While in the hat store I came across a woman. The woman was seated in the corner and was holding up a book before her face but it seemed she wasn’t reading it, but rather was using it to hide her face from me. But then she sneezed rather... Continue →