The Agonizing of Peter Whistle
Peter Whistle had been paragliding for some time now.
He was near the village and he looked with agony at his house, which had burned down a few days ago as a result of his own indiscretion. He had been having sex on the sly with the wife of the mayor and the mayor repaid the favor by burning down Peter’s house.
Peter had passed the mayor on the brick road as he walked back to his house after the sex and the mayor had been unable to control his delight over his successful revenge. Of course, Peter was wholly unaware of the revenge and he laughed too, and they went into the pub and both had some beers, got drunk, went outside, and looked with stupefaction at the plume that had been raised in the distance.
Peter thought about this little instance about as much as he could stand and then turned his glider towards the field where he would light.