Any Stare *fiction*
Edward P then returned to the patio upon which a pair of songbirds had settled and sat facing the mountain. The mountain did not and could not cast a shadow over the town as it was too far away and besides it was situated at point N in relation to the town yet the mountain was quite large. The mountain was perhaps the second largest in the world without ever being heralded as such, at least in popular media. Yet the mountain did not impose.
I was already on the patio and had been staring with possibly a glazed expression towards the mountain. Edward P said that my pupils were dilated and was I high, not that he would mind. I was not high and said as much; also I was mildly suprised to hear that my eyes seemed to be dilated and wondered if they often looked that way or if they often actually were.
The cat from the flat nearest this one was pawing with its declawed paws at the chair that I was in, which may have been made of cedar. Edward P then turned to me and began to speak in a conspiratorial tone.
“We may have, you and I, commingled with those people too much already.”